Following a brief marketing business plan . . . The goal of the plan is simple. Set up the internet processes for readers and book and author to interconnect. This blog, the Serracin-Thriller website, the content for readers, FAQ, About, et al.
Beautiful day. Would rather be out at a baseball field watching a game.
Design is set for website. Need to get with a developer.
Going over the budget. Wish the equity stock I bought in '07 wasn't halved by the recession. Could use that now.
This is as much a grind, this marketing stuff, as the writing and editing was. It creates a tension because it is necessary, but takes me away from the writing I want to do. It is inherently non-fun. It is the one big drawback with digital publishing and going independent.
(Baseball playoffs have been excellent so far. Surprised by Philly losing. Not surprised by Yankees going down. They don't play offense fundamentals well. They have to hit home runs and score half a dozen runs to win. Doesn't work in playoffs. Philly didn't hit and all that wonderful pitching was useless.)
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